Tough Yet Rough
Now I've been noticing some of my closest friends are in hard times. And it upsets me a lot. Like it hurts watching them in pain or in silent cries which you know that in their mind, they're indirectly trying to ask for help but they didn't mention any of it... okay so not only my friends that are going through shits but I bet some of you also have been going through a lot lately. I might not know who you are when you're reading this but I hope this blogpost might help you in some ways (At least??)
Be it you're in a relationship or friendship, there will always be rocky moments. True? Sometimes things happen for a reason. Everything happens for a reason. Of course. When there are fights happening, you always think that you're not in the wrong and you tend to think that you're partner/friend are the one who started it all. Lets be honest, we all don't wanna get blame and be in the wrong. Because we're all sick and tired of getting blame for the most unreasonable things and it makes you look stupid. You don't wanna be the cause of anything because you think if you do, you will feel like its a whole lot of burden on your shoulders. Because you're tired of feeling pain. You don't wanna screw things up but you need to take care of your own feelings first. Right? That's ego. Well technically, it depends on how much you think of yourself. My main topic isn't about ego so don't worry. Nothing much on that.
Yes I know we all need to think, love, accept ourselves first before doing the same to others. I agree. But there has to be give and take between the person you're working with in order to make things happen or work out. I hope you guys get what I mean.
Sometimes, if you try to feel and look on the other side of the road and think hard about it, it isn't a one man job. Everyone works together. A team makes it work. And I understand, sometimes you cant figure out the solutions all by yourself. Ain't easy. Sometimes you yourself is confuse with everything that's happening and you can't catch up. You're feeling the pressure, the stress, you're easily distracted, when someone asks you "you're okay?" you're just down there feelin' nothing but blanks in your thoughts. Unanswered.
I know its hard to be finding answers to everything. You don't wanna be selfish neither do you wanna be too kind. Its a tough decision to fight on yourself. Some part of you mentioned "it feels so wrong yet it feels so right" However, you're still finding for answers.
When you're in a position where you know that you shouldn't be in the first place, think wisely again. Think of how the issue started. When and what did I react to it when it did? Was it me alone? Or is the other party started it too? Why? There must be a reason. But what is it? Don't keep following too much of your emotions as it will make everything worse. As I always say; calm down and think straight in logic sense. Don't keep beating around the bush. Stand up for your rights and correct the mistakes. Its not wrong either. There is always time for you to make a change. But not until its too late then you wanna start regretting about it. Sorry? no. keep it and remind that to yourself.
When you keep asking to yourself on how to solve this, always pay attention to the surroundings of you. In this case, your people. your friends. your life. If you keep asking yourself the same repeated question (whatever is in your mind all the time), make that as a objective for you to find the answer to your problem. I'm sure there are many "what if's" in your thoughts and you couldn't handle the pressure. Everyone can't. But there will always be a solution to everything. All you have to do is to find the objective of your thoughts.
Because when you found that objective, you can easily know what to do from there. You can at least focus on something on what you should know about and when you found the answers, it will somehow be the solution to it. Partly. Not all. Take it as a stepping stone. Not all things can be solved immediately just like how you wish to be. It'll take time of course.
A lot of things that happened can be hurtful for you to go through. But like I've mentioned above, everyone works together. If one doesn't do the job then maybe you should be the first one to make a move. Its tiring AND hurtful of course, but always tell to yourself to never give it up so easily. Because once you achieve it, you'll think that its all worth it. When you have made it this far, all the way up till today, think of the times why you have started all this. Do you ever want to waste it? Are you prepared to face the nightmares again? Do you want to start all over again? Are you willing to wait for the years to come just so you could have the same level of reaction in the end?
Life isn't fair sometimes. Life always taught you that there are greater things at the end of the road if you choose to let it go and accept the hard truth and fate. But sometimes if you choose to listen closely to yourself and you know that you took the risk by going through it differently than the rest, there will also be greater things lying ahead of you. Life is like a game of cards. You can choose the cards wisely to win the game. But you could also cheat carefully in winning the game. You can lose in the game of cards but when you know how to play it, you'll win in the next round. You can choose to play with the cards to make others confuse and wait, but the game still goes on. You can choose to stop it, but others would still continue it...
So what my point is here, life is a about making the choices you wanna make. It determines your future ahead of you. Every single actions you choose to do will somehow be an effect to everything. Life is a learning lessons for you to know. For you to bear in mind about. There is no right or wrong in the choices you make but definitely there is an every learning point in where ever you go. Whether if its too late to make a change, life still have to go on. It'll never stop for you.
It may be sour for a start
It will be sweet when you make a different turn.
Though life decision will grow you apart
Know that its tough yet rough who keeps the fire burn.