Shits you throw, other sweeps gladly
I guess some of the common things nowadays is knowing that people be so glad to take up the shits others made. Not that I meant of like backing people up. Not really that way. But what I don't really understand is that when one person starts to make up stories and shit, the audience that the storyteller makes, instantly believe them. Why? Isn't it fair to not listen to both sides? Like why can't some people listen to both parties instead? It's like, someone threw a dog bone for you and you straight away chase after it because you only prioritize of what you need for yourself. Have you ever consider about the rest of others; who needs it more? I bet not (only to some so don't get offended easily)
Think of it this way alright? If there is ever a problem that suddenly exist in your life, try and listen to both sides instead of one. Because to tell you, being one-sided is definitely not the solution to everything. Now some people might say; "oh i'm tired of bullshits and all these. Don't want to drag the matters. Fuck it. Whatever is my point of view, I'm sticking by to it and nothing's gonna change my mind about it" etc... Look, please, I beg you, DO NOT be that kind of person. Because seriously, its THAT what make people so annoyed by it. Till they wanna bring up as a fight about it. Really. It's getting out of hand.
Let me give you a scenario. You despise this one particular person. And whatever he/she do, just literally annoy the fuck outta you. okay. And then comes to the part where you just can't hold it in and shut our mouth. So you go and tell this one "trusted" person about it. You influenced this "innocent" and "trusted" friend. Listing out all the flaws and mistakes that the person did. BUT leaving out all the good things that they did for others. What happens is that, this "innocent" friend, became some sort of a middle person. Because all they did was to just hear your rants and disappointments. okay. And this influencing between you both, goes on and on and on for days maybe. You hope, damn hoping that your "innocent" and "trusted" friend would side on you always no matter what.
Honey, don't be a blind bat.
You think the friends that you can count on, can hold on to your rantings for long? I'm pretty sure they'll get annoyed by it sooner or later. Have you ever even thought that your friends could have told another person secretly too? Just like what you did in the first place? Or have you ever thought that your friends could have told the person that you dislike about how you felt? Because all they wanna do is to just make things right and clear? But the fact that you don't?
sometimes, you can be pretty damn smooth. Example, you talk about the person to that one friend. But you told them not to tell the others about it. You said it was a secret between you both. Eventually, you go to this another friend of yours and you repeat step one again. Surprisingly, from one person, it became a bunch of people. Without noticing at first. One fine day, one of your friends that you told to, can't shut it so he/she decided to tell to her friends. But guess what? They knew it too. Why? You told her friends about the same thing. End up as a surprise, they tried asking others about the matter; to see if they heard the same thing about it too. Miracle, they all did knew. Like I've mentioned, it finally ended up becoming as a small group of people who "knows" about this person.
Lastly, when you found out that they all together knew about it, you were shocked at first. But then again, at the same time, you be like "okay its time to wash out and manipulate these brains" ......
Lastly, when you found out that they all together knew about it, you were shocked at first. But then again, at the same time, you be like "okay its time to wash out and manipulate these brains" ......
Create a mess out of nothing. What do you even gain? And for no reason these people stupidly follow the words you say shits about this person. When actually, they're not even that close to that person you dislike. That's why they don't ask anything from the person. That's why they don't hear out from both sides. So its pretty damn obvious that they're easy to manipulate minds.
Don't feel anything?? How heartless??
How would the other party feel? When all that person did was to just be happy and live their life to their hearts content. Isn't it upsetting to know that the person gets all the hates for nothing? I mean if you read it from my point of view, think about it.
Moral of my blog;
People, even friends, be it anyone, cannot be trusted that easily. Because they can take advantage of you after knowing whats your weakness and EVEN strengths. People will still tend to throw shits as you no matter what you do that pleases yourself and your own life. People will find ways to make themselves look innocent when they are actually the ones who started it all. There are so many types of people in this world. And I can't obviously list them down here. But these are just the small parts of it. So the only advice that I can give to my readers, is to just be careful and only trust YOURSELF. you know yourself best. And that's all that matters. If you dislike the person or something that you're unhappy of, just be honest with them and talk it out in a nice way. Don't need to send and spread the hates everywhere. It'll get you nowhere but trouble. That is if you want to handle it alone. Forgive and forget and always be mindful and thoughtful of other people's feelings. You might never know that you could break a heart by the little things you do.
That's all for today guys. My apologies if this blog post is super long. But I really feel like its a need to talk about it. Just to help and make things better. I hope you guys will always stay loving and thoughtful for others. Because if you throw shits and others sweeps gladly, you might break someone's fragile heart.
Much love,